Nyxandra (Nyx)

Goddess of Astralis (the Underworld)

Nyxandra is the powerful Goddess of the Underworld, presiding over Astralis, a realm beyond the mortal plane where souls can journey for a time. She is the keeper of souls and mysteries. 

She is not the goddess of death as that responsibility resides with Clainer, her occasional lover and once husband. Nyxandra is the mother of Astryn and Lythara, the goddesses of the moons. Clainer is not their father and Nyxandra has no interest in revealing who is. Astralis is her realm and is also called the Underworld by some and the Astral Plane by others.

The Underworld is a place where spirits visit and some souls choose to abide for a time. Those who visit in a corporeal form are not welcome for long. Trespassing is generally not punished if one does not linger.

Nyxandra’s daughters grew up in the Underworld, but found they needed to be free and independent. Nyxandra allowed this as long as they agreed to return to visit once every four years. They became the goddess of the moon. G’orn, the god of Law and History, is also related to Nyxandra, but none know how.

She has two guardians who help preserve the sanctity and inviolability of Astralis, a place not meant for mortals. These are called the Unnamed. Some suggest they are not in fact Nyxandra’s guardians, but are rather her jailers. These guardians are sometimes referred to as the Keepers. Nyxandra is content to rule Astralis and has no desire to leave.

Some believe demons and devils inhabit the Astral plane.