Goddess of Nature and Wilderness
Elysara's presence is felt in any place untouched by man, where nature thrives in its unspoiled glory, from the dense forests and soaring mountains to the vast deserts and untouched wilderness. As the goddess of all living things, she fiercely protects her domain, but her wrath is invoked when mortals defy her through destruction of land and senseless killing for sport.
Nature's Unpredictable Majesty:
Elysara's mood is as unpredictable as the storms and earthquakes that echo her temper. At times, she contemplates the imperfections of humanity, even entertaining thoughts of their ultimate destruction. When her anger surges, nature rebels, unleashing great storms and cataclysms, reminding mortals of their insignificance before the majesty of nature.
The Vain and Demanding Goddess:
Despite her mercurial nature, Elysara demands recognition and worship from her followers. She revels in her beauty and greatness, expecting adoration and reverence from all living beings. Her vanity is woven into the very fabric of the untamed world she governs, creating a delicate balance between admiration and fear.
A Love for Humanity:
Beneath her temperamental exterior lies an affection for humanity. Elysara loves her creations, enchanted by the vast tapestry of human emotions and accomplishments. When mortals coexist harmoniously with nature, her love shines upon them, bestowing blessings and flourishing beauty.
Wild and Vengeful Aspect:
Elysara's wild nature mirrors the untamed world she watches over. As nature can be both nurturing and destructive, so can her divine presence be both loving and vengeful. Mortals who show reverence to her domain and tread carefully upon the Earth are granted her benevolence, while those who exploit and disrespect nature face her unbridled wrath.
The Keeper of the Wild Realm:
Elysara stands as the keeper of the wild realm, where the untamed beauty of nature remains untouched by human hands. Her presence in these sanctuaries reminds mortals of the delicate balance between coexistence and chaos, where harmony with the natural world holds the key to her blessings.