Thorn Stomage

About: Thorn and Scar Stomage are twelve year old fraternal twins born and raised on Stone Island. This island is often subjected to terrible chaos storms. Due to these frequent and unpredictable storms, the people of Stone Island are not sea faring people and still believe their island encompasses all the land that is inhabitable on Hoem. They are obviously wrong.

There is a tall formation of stone on Stone Island know as “the beacon” where a magical stone shines forth. This stone is called the Flux stone and there is some debate as to whether this stone protects the island from the storms or is the cause of them. None dare approach the stone.  Thorn and Scar are nicknames for the twins as in their culture one chooses one’s own name upon reaching the age of majority. They come from a family of inventors and are encouraged to experiment as well. Thorn often dreams up improbable contraptions and Scar brings them to life.

Description: Scar is a pretty girl with light brown hair, while her brother Thorn’s is a darker brown. Scar is highly intelligent for her age and it shows in her inquisitive eyes. Thorn is more of a dreamer and has a difficult time keeping up with her. Together they construct wondrous and magical devices.

First Appearance: Page 47 “Fortunes Told” (imagines in the crystal ball). By Name: Page 221 “What Was Found.”
Final Appearance: Thorn and Scar are still alive and current characters.