Kashif Tonder

About: Kashif Tonder is a successful trader and merchant and a veteran of the Founder’s War. His first wife, Nemeth, died giving birth to their son Samist. Kashif remarried many years later to a woman he despised and who despised him. Shibe and Kasif made each other miserable until Shibe hatched a failed plot to have her husband murdered by the cutthroat, Mild.

Kashif was an elite member of military and was a orward Sentinel in the Seventh Infantry Division. He is a collector of trophies, preferring the weapons of his fallen enemies, but he also has a taxidermy bear he killed through strangulation, and Shibe herself was a sort of trophy to signify to everyone that he had everything in life. Vast wealth, a healthy heir, successful business endeavors, an ostentatious estate, and a young beautiful wife.

Kashif is not a user of magic, though many of the weapons in his collection are purported to have magical natures and powers. Kashif prefers mundane knives, heavy and brutal, over those imbued with any sort of magic.

Kashif is a cursed man. He has a fighter’s instinct and a sense of profound pride. He does not suffer slights or insults well.

Description: Kashif is an impeccable man with a military bearing. He has a darker complexion, with perhaps a distant Hitari ancestor. He is tall and handsome and always insists on wearing impressive if garish outfits. He displays his wealth with choices in clothing and waste no opportunity to ensure all of Keth know that he is the richest man living there.