Ghast Harog

About: Ghast Harog is a witch that lives in a small cottage a short distance across the border of the Klinet forest with her cat and familiar Bedlam. Ghast is not a good witch, nor is she exactly evil. She is willing to bend her ethics for money and tends to savor the pleasures of the flesh. She is a competent witch and her skills are sought out by the locals. Ghast makes her living selling whatever the people of Keth desire: crafts and trinkets, curses, potions, the telling of fortunes, and spells to cure impotency. Ghast is as much of a showman as she is a real witch. She is a refugee of a conflict on the continent of Hitari and lost her entire family to the war.

Description: Ghast is a tall and elegant woman of obvious Hitarian descent. Like all Hitarians she has dark skin with dark hair and upturned eyes. Her lips are full and her face is a pleasing oval. She tends to let her hair flow about her head unrestrained. Ghast is a poor housekeeper and tends to sleep late as her chosen profession and entertainments often keep her up late. She tries to help when she can, and wants to be a good person, but life has left her jaded and she has a distrust of most people.

First appearance: page 1 (Prologue)
Final appearance: Ghast is still alive and a current character.